One Light

Endless Possibilities

Transform Your Portraits with Simplicity & Creativity

Light Up Your Portraits

Hey there, fellow photography enthusiasts! I'm Tausha, and I've been living and breathing photography full-time for over a decade. My journey has been one of discovery, creativity, and, most importantly, fun! And now, I'm inviting you to a workshop where we'll explore the magic you can create with just one light.

  • Corporate Headshots, But Make It Cool:
    We're going to add some spice to those professional portraits. It's time to make every shot portfolio-worthy.

What you’ll master…

  • From Basics to "Wow, Did I Just Do That?" Techniques:
    I'll walk you through everything I know about making the most of one light, whether you're working in a studio or on location.

  • Capturing the Mood:
    I'll show you how to dial up the drama or soften the scene to suit the story you're telling with your portrait.

  • Creative Chaos:
    Let's push the boundaries together. I'll guide you through my favorite experimental setups that'll make your work truly unique.



Why This Workshop Is Different

  • Hands-On Fun: You'll be trying out everything as we go along. This workshop is all about learning by doing (and maybe laughing at our mistakes).

  • Your New Go-To Lighting Setups: You'll leave with a bunch of easy-to-replicate setups that'll elevate any shoot, guaranteed.

  • Real Talk: Expect plenty of Q&A time, constructive feedback, and honest advice from me and your peers.

  • Exclusive Swag: You'll get access to my personal collection of resources, including setup diagrams, gear lists, and pro tips you won't find anywhere else.


Gain exclusive early access to my upcoming workshops! Sign up now for sneak peeks, special offers, and expert insights. Elevate your skills and join a passionate community!